The School of Business of the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong is collaborating with IDA to launch the HK Future Leaders programme, aimed at nurturing a new generation of innovators and thought leaders in Hong Kong’s Web3 landscape. This initiative will engage School of Business students in a hands-on experience at Consensus Hong Kong 2025, the premier conference for digital assets. A total of 13 students from the School of Business will be sponsored by IDA to attend the Consensus event, held at the Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition Centre from February 18 to 20, 2025. These students will…
恒生大學商學院將Google Career Certificates 智慧數碼人才計劃融入課程以應付數字經濟需要 香港恒生大學商學院宣布將「Google Career Certificates 智慧數碼人才計劃」內容融入課程,為商學院的本科生和碩士生提供實用的數碼職業技能訓練,助他們在數碼時代把握新機遇。 商學院很高興獲得Google香港支持,為學生提供助學金,讓他們在今年免費參加該計劃的課程,並有機會獲得相關證書。 從2025年2月底起,恒生大學商學院在學士和碩士課程中加入「Google AI Essentials」,涵蓋會計學、市場學、管理學、經濟及金融學,為學生提供人工智能的基礎知識和技能培訓,以應對千變萬化的商業科技發展。 除了「Google AI Essentials」外,學生還可以在學年內靈活探索和完成該計劃的其他課程。課程涵蓋廣泛的熱門數位技能,包括數碼營銷、電子商貿、網絡安全、IT技術支援和IT自動化等,讓學生裝備自己,迎接數碼市場帶來的挑戰。 恒生大學商學院院長朴勝虎教授表示:「在數碼時代新常態下,人工智能是現今社會不可或缺的技能,市場對科技人才的需求亦越趨熾熱。我們很高興透過 Google Career Certificates智慧數碼人才計劃強化我們的課程,讓我們的學生學習寶貴的技能,也體現出我們致力營造學生優良學習環境的承諾,為他們未來投身職場做好準備。」…
Business Leadership Forum on Digital Transformation At A401 (Block A) on 14 November 2024 The School of Business organised an engaging Business Leadership Forum titled “Business Digital Transformation in Hong Kong – Opportunities and Challenges” on 14 November 2024. The event featured three distinguished industry experts and thought leaders, namely Mr Michael Yung, Strategic Advisor at Google Cloud, Mr Sean Lee, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of IDA, and Mr Tommy Lui, Chief Business Officer of These esteemed panel members shared their insights on the transformative impact of AI technology on business processes and models in Hong Kong. During…
Executive Certificate in Contemporary Financial Planning Programme, January 2025 當代財務策劃行政證書課程 2025年1月班 The Executive Certificate in Contemporary Financial Planning Programme is offered by the School of Business in collaboration with the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants Hong Kong and Macau Centre Company Limited (IARFC). The objective of the Programme is to equip participants with professional knowledge in two important areas which are essential for competent and effective wealth management, namely Fintech and Trust as well as to equip participants with the necessary skills to enable them to gain the trust of and thereby establish a business…
The Junzi Launching Ceremony 2023 cum Business Leader Forum was successfully held on 23 February 2023. During the Ceremony, Dr Belinda YAU, Assistant Professor of the Department of Accountancy, presented the 2023 Junzi Corporation Survey and highlighted the resumption of the street interview, considering the recent withdrawal of several pandemic measures. Dr YAU has also led the representatives of the student survey team to conduct a campaign rally which declared the 2023 Junzi Corporation Survey has successfully launched. Dr Lawrence LEI, Assistant Professor of the Department of Accountancy, has introduced the details of the 12th Junzi Corporation Awards and the…
D751, 7/F,
School of Business
Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus,
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong,
Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin,
New Territories