恭喜陳詩澄同學及文嘉欣同學,與BBA-BAF及BBA-MKT同學組隊參加 “香港稅務學會全港大專學生稅務辯論比賽2019″,並於芸芸隊伍中脫穎而出,勇奪冠軍及最具團隊精神獎。
Our students, NG Shun-on (BBA-BAF), CHAN Sin-yi (BBA-BAF) and CHENG Hoi-sang (BBA-BAF) formed team with other BBA student to win the 1st Runner-up in the CFA Institute Research Challenge 2019-20.
This is an annual global competition providing university students with specialised experience in financial analysis, as well as training their professional skills in presenting investment reports. Participating students need to write an equity research report and subsequently present it to a panel of fund managers. There were eleven tertiary institutions that took part in the Hong Kong level event this year.
HSUHK team got into the final round together with four other finalist teams from Hong Kong Baptist University, Shue Yan University, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the University of Hong Kong. HSUHK team kept up their outstanding performance and was awarded the 1st Runner-up.
張曉晴同學及劉曉敏同學與BBA-CGC學生組成 HANaGirl 隊伍,參加 LEGO® BRICKthrough Challenge 商業策劃比賽,勇奪亞軍,並於2019年6月28日接過獎盃和相關獎品。
是次比賽旨在為LEGO® 營銷策略提供嶄新方向,參賽隊伍需為LEGO®制定銷售計劃,使品牌在女孩心目中更具吸引力。參賽者亦能從中獲得市場營銷的實際經驗。
是次比賽吸引共164組來自不同大專院校的隊伍參加,HANaGirl成功晉身八強, 最終更奪得亞軍。