香港恆生大學與國際商學會東南亞分會合辦2020國際商學會東南亞分區會議 首次由香港恒生大學(恒大)承辦的2020國際商學會東南亞分區會議於2020年12月3至5日於恒大校園以及網路同時舉行。大會開幕典禮由香港恒生大學商學院院長李海東教授主持。國際商學會東南亞分會會長,香港恒生大學校長,以及國際商學會會長分別於會上發表了歡迎辭。 逾130名來自澳洲、智利、中國、法國、香港、日本、澳門、馬來西亞、菲律賓、台灣、泰國、阿聯酋、英國、及美國的學者與嘉賓於是次會議發表了逾100篇研究報告。 A full list of keynote speech is available at: Previous Next…
香港恆生大學與國際商學會東南亞分會合辦2020國際商學會東南亞分區會議 It is the first year for the Research Institute for Business (RIB), School of Business, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong to host the Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional (AIBSEAR) Conference since HSUHK starts to take over the role of the Conference Secretariat. The 2020 AIBSEAR Conference, with the theme of “The Future of IB in Turbulent Times”, was held during December 3-5, 2020 both online via Zoom Meetings and at HSUHK campus with social distancing. Prof. Bradley R. Barnes, the AIBSEAR Chapter Vice Chair and Dean of the School of Business, HSUHK, officiated the Opening…
D751, 7/F,
School of Business
Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus,
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong,
Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin,
New Territories