The Executive Certificate in Contemporary Financial Planning Programme is offered by the School of Business in collaboration with the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants Hong Kong and Macau Centre Company Limited (IARFC). The objective of the Programme is to equip participants with professional knowledge in two important areas which are essential for competent and effective wealth management, namely Fintech and Trust as well as to equip participants with the necessary skills to enable them to gain the trust of and thereby establish a business relationship with their potential clients.

- 課程已被審批為「提升資產財富管理業人才培訓先導計劃」其下之「專業培訓資助計劃」。合資格之申請人按要求完成課程後將可獲香港特區政府資助80%學費,上限為$15,000。香港證券及投資學會為資產財富管理業先導計劃之執行機構,有關申請要求之細則及手續,請參閱: https://www.wamtalent.org.hk
- 學員完成課程內「Trust (信託)」學科可獲: (1) 持牌保險中介人持續專業培訓 (CPD) 活動 12 小時 (編號: 80/144/03); 及 (2) 強制性公積金附屬中介人持續專業進修非核心 (non-core)活動12小時
- 課程內容函蓋「信託 (Trust)」和「金融科技(Fintech)」現今財務策劃兩大範疇,有效提升從業員專業度
- 由香港恒生大學商學院特委專業導師任教,師資優良
- 授課語言主要為粵語,輔以英文;英文教材 (註:少部份”金融科技”内容以英語輔以普通話授課)
- 學員成功修畢,可獲香港恒生大學商學院頒授行政證書
名額有限,敬請報名從速。課程截止報名日期為2024年6月12日(星期三) 。