• You are cordially invited to attend the 13th Junzi Corporation Award Presentation to be held on Friday, 21 June 2024 (5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.) in the Auditorium, 2F, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus. The Junzi Corporation Award (click HERE for more information) is to honour outstanding Hong Kong businesses along the five Junzi Virtues of Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom, and Trustworthiness. We wish to celebrate and congratulate the awardees in an Award Presentation Ceremony. We have also invited pre-eminent business leaders to exchange dialogue on the topic “New Directions in New Circumstances” (新形勢,新路向). Please sign up HERE on or before Monday, 17 June for our better preparation. We look forward… Read more...
    Executive Certificate in Contemporary Financial Planning Programme, June 2024 當代財務策劃行政證書課程 2024年6月班           The Executive Certificate in Contemporary Financial Planning Programme is offered by the School of Business in collaboration with the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants Hong Kong and Macau Centre Company Limited (IARFC). The objective of the Programme is to equip participants with professional knowledge in two important areas which are essential for competent and effective wealth management, namely Fintech and Trust as well as to equip participants with the necessary skills to enable them to gain the trust of and thereby establish a business… Read more...
    The School of Business proudly hosts a School Ceremony every year to honour the recipients of the Research Achievement and Teaching Excellence Awards for faculty members, as well as the Dean’s List and Best Progress Award for our students. The School Ceremony 2022/23 was held on 5 March 2024 (Tuesday), from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m., in the Auditorium, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus. Over 200 faculty members, students and guests joined the Ceremony to share the joy. Professor Bradley R. Barnes, Dean of the School, started the Ceremony with warm welcoming remarks. He addressed some of the School’s… Read more...
    Launching the International and Global Exchange Webpage The School of Business hosted an event “Celebrating International Diversity: Learning about the Production and Marketing of Local Craft Beer” on March 6, 2024. Attended by our faculty and over 50 students from different corners of the world, including France, Belgium, Switzerland, India, Thailand, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, Nepal, and China as well as our local students, the event gathered attendees to learn about the brewing process from our local expert, Eshan Arif, Head of Business Development at Hong Kong Beer Co who kindly sponsored the event. During his engaging session, our students had… Read more...
    The theme for Hong Kong Money Month 2024 is What You Need To Know About Investing. In light of the rapidly evolving investment landscape, it is important to increase the financial literacy level on investing and resilience against financial scams among the public. Being one of the supporting organisations of Hong Kong Money Month 2024, we are pleased to hold the “Elderly Financial Literacy Workshop” on 12 March – 3 April 2024. 面對急速變化的投資環境,提高公眾的金融理財知識以增強其提防金融詐騙的能力是非常重要的。作為香港理財月2024的支持機構之一,香港恒生大學經濟及金融學系將於2024年3月12日至4月3日舉辦「跨代理財嘉年華」。 It is essential for retirees to learn how to manage their finances and avoid financial scams, e.g. financial needs after retirement, risk tolerance and suitable investment tools.… Read more...
    The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) has been promoting the concept of the “Junzi” character and its five virtues of “Ren (benevolence)”, “Yi (righteousness)”, “Li (propriety)”, “Zhi (wisdom)”, and “Xin (trustworthiness)”, to corporations in Hong Kong, and had set these Junzi virtues as the yardstick to measure the ethical levels of businesses. HSUHK has conducted its annual Junzi Corporation Survey (“Survey”) since 2011 to foster a sense of social responsibility among businesses as they continue to develop profitable and sustainable operations. HSUHK’s School of Business hosted the Junzi Launch Ceremony 2024 cum Business Leader Forum today. Dr Thomas… Read more...
    CEO Talk – Global Marketing Strategy for LEE KUM KEE The Department of Marketing has invited Dr. Pedro Yu, the Managing Director of North Asia & Pacific at Lee Kum Kee (International) Trading Ltd to share the intricacies of global marketing strategies with industry professionals on 19 October 2023. The event also provided a valuable networking platform, allowing participants to connect with professionals from various sectors. We hope the sharing from Dr. Yu will inspire attendees with in-depth understanding towards global strategy with practical examples from his own experience.… Read more...
    Prof Bradley Barnes, Co-Programme Director of MBM and Dean of the School of Business Dr Thomas LEUNG, Co-Programme Director of MBM and Associate Dean of the School of Business The Master of Business (MBM) Orientation, held on the evening of 6 October 2023 (Friday), with over 100 staff and students participating. The event commenced with Professor Bradley Barnes, Co-Programme Director of MBM and Dean of the School of Business, delivering an introduction to the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong and the School of Business. Following this, Dr. Thomas Leung, Co-Programme Director of MBM and Associate Dean of the School… Read more...
    Gala – The Future of Marketing The Department of Marketing hosted a gala on the 28th of June, themed “The Future of Marketing”. We invited 6 graduates from different classes and industry leaders to share their opinions about the future development of the workplace with our students. Each speaker shared their perspectives about the subject from their own professional field, specifically the influence of Artificial Intelligence, the hardships of entrepreneurship, and some of the preparations that students should do to be better prepared for joining the workplace. Ms. Wendy Suen, Head of Talent Solutions from Connect Consult mentioned that “Recruiters… Read more...
    Is Hong Kong a Good Place to Set up a Private Fund? ACY seminar of the SBUS School Gala was successfully held on 21 June 2023. Ms. Willa Chan, Founding Principal of Willa Legal was invited to share her insights on the topic on “Is Hong Kong a good place to set up a private fund?”. In this professional seminar, the speaker introduced private investment fund and related laws and regulations in Hong Kong. Networking session among faculty members, current students and alumni was held right after the seminar. It was delightful that all participants enjoyed this valuable opportunity to… Read more...


    D751, 7/F,
    School of Business
    Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus,
    The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong,
    Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin,
    New Territories

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    Tel : (852) 3963 5551
    Email : sbus@hsu.edu.hk
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