• On July 9, 2022, Dr. Winnie Chan of the Marketing Department led a team of three Marketing students (Shek Man Yan, Jasmine; Lo Wai Man, Tiffany; Law Yu Ho, Kowin) and one Global Business Management student (Yeung Tak Hin, Alfred) to win the bronze medal in the World Asian Case Competition hosted by Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) of Korea. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (Japan) and Boston University (USA) received the gold and silver medals, respectively. The HSU team beat out teams from three other Hong Kong universities (CityU, HKBU, and HKU) that also entered the Top 10. A total of several… Read more...
    The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) introduced the concept of “Junzi” character in Chinese Confucianism in 2011 whereby an annual Junzi Corporation Survey (the Survey) is conducted to measure the overall level of business ethics in Hong Kong. The Junzi Corporation Award is conferred to felicitate Junzi corporations that meet high ethical standards with the five Junzi virtues of “Ren (benevolence)”, “Yi (righteousness)”, “Li (propriety)”, “Zhi (wisdom)”, “Xin (trustworthiness)”. To celebrate the 11th anniversary, this year’s Junzi Corporation Award Ceremony was hosted by the School of Business, HSUHK on 28 June 2022. Professor Simon Ho, President of HSUHK,… Read more...
    Ms Elaine Shiu, an alumna of the School of Business, proudly gave a presentation to nearly a 300-member audience at the TEDx Talk on 24 May 2022 (Tuesday), which was organised by TEDxConnaughtRoadWest, supported by JCIHK and various organisations from different sectors. The theme of the TEDx Talk was “RISE for the Future”. Elaine encouraged young people to make use of technology and creativity to pursue their dreams, citing her experience in innovating the traditional jewellery industry. She also encouraged young people to make various attempts and be bold when facing failure as every cloud has a silver lining. The… Read more...
    首席快樂官(CHO)入門課程 “快樂的員工就是有生產力的員工” https://sbus.hsu.edu.hk/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/CHO2022.720P.mp4#t=,107 課程概要 要生活得快樂相信是我們之間的最大公因數,即使在職場上大家亦可追求快樂。雖然有研究指出快樂的感覺有一半是先天的,因人而異,但也有不少於四成的快樂感源自後天的努力。換句話來說,企業也可為員工帶來快樂,令他們成為企業的首席快樂官。有見及此,香港恒生大學商學院與首席快樂官協會(Chief Happiness Officer Association)為有興趣認識首席快樂官這個職場新趨勢的各級在職人士,尤其是負責人力資源和日常營運工作的朋友,提供一個入門課程,讓大家在三天一共18個學習課時內在恒大和協會的導師帶領下當上首席快樂官。 課程内容 整個入門課程共分為三個部份,每部份的學習課時為6小時。   第一部份 快樂的企業文化與案例分享     ●    服務利潤鏈和內部營銷相關的理論     ●    員工快樂的重要性與企業競爭力的關係     ●    首席快樂官的相關企業案例分享   第二部份 正向心理學在情緒管理與有效溝通的應用     ●    快樂的定義和內涵     ●    尋找快樂的迷思     ●    提升個人與社會整體的快樂   第三部份 讓微笑力量進駐企業 設計思維實用工作坊     ●    什麽是設計思維(Design Thinking)     ●    如何運用設計思維尋找快樂方案     ●    透過激動大腦活動啓發創新思維   所有內容將以中文授課,附以英文或中文講義。 學習成果 在完成整個入門課程後,參與者可預期取得以下的學習成果:     ●    藉著案例的分享透視出企業如何在員工之間建立起快樂的文化     ●    運用正向心理學中較實踐性的部份去釋放源自於企業中有關權力的快樂     ●    掌握設計思維中的基本方法助企業創建首席快樂官(CHO)的文化 另出席率達八成的學員,可獲由香港恒生大學商學院與首席快樂官協會簽發的出席證書。 上課地點、時間及報名安排 全部的課堂都安排在香港恒生大學校內進行。開課日期為5月30日,時間表詳情如下: 5月30日(星期二) 時間:   10:00-13:00 , 14:30-17:30 地點:   香港恒生大學袁炳濤校園利國偉教學大樓5樓D501室 課題:   快樂的企業文化與案例分享 導師:   鄺家麒博士… Read more...


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    School of Business
    Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus,
    The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong,
    Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin,
    New Territories

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