• Faculty Members Directory

    Dr CHEUNG Siu Yin, Sally (張小燕博士)

    BBA & MBA (University of Houston)
    MSc (Hong Kong Baptist University)
    PhD (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

    Associate Head and Senior Lecturer
    Department of Management
    Office: D756B

    Tel :(852) 3963 5042
    Email : sallycheung@hsu.edu.hk


    Dr. Cheung joined the Department of Management in 2022. She has accumulated experience in teaching, research and administration from her prior positions as an assistant professor at Hong Kong Baptist University and associate professor at Hong Kong Metropolitan University. She has taught various management courses. She has published her research in Journal of Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes and Personnel Psychology.

    Research and Teaching Interests

    • Research interests include organizational behavior, workplace creativity and innovation, and mindfulness.
    • Teaching interests include organizational behavior and human resource management.

    Intellectual Contributions (Publications, Conferences, Books, Book Chapters, etc.)

    • Pidduck, R. J., Shaffer, M. A., Zhang, Y., Cheung, S. Y. & Yunlu, D. G. (2022) Cultural intelligence: An identity lens on the influence of cross-cultural experience, Journal of International Management, 28(3), 100928. DOI:10.1016/j.intman.2022.100928.
    • Cheung, S. Y., Huang, G. H., Chang, S. and Wei, L. (2020). Does being mindful make people more creative at work? The role of creative process engagement and perceived leader humility. Organization Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 159, 39-48.
    • Gong, Y., Wang, M., Huang, J. C., & Cheung, S. Y. (2017). Toward a new feedback-seeking typology: Implications for employee performance outcomes. Journal of Management, 43: 1234-1260. doi: 10.1177/0149206314551797
    • Cheung, S. Y., Gong, Y., Wang, M., Zhou, L., & Shi, J. (2016). When and how does functional diversity influence team innovation? The mediating role of knowledge sharing and the moderation role of affect-based trust in a team. Human Relations, 69: 1507-1531.
    • Cheung, S. Y., Gong, Y., & Huang, J. C. (2016). Emotional intelligence, job insecurity and psychological strain among real estate agents: A test of mediation and moderation models. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27: 2673-2694.
    • Gong, Y., Cheung, S. Y., Wang, M., & Huang, J. C. (2012). Unfolding the proactive process for creativity: Integration of the employee proactivity, information exchange, and psychological safety perspectives. Journal of Management, 38: 1611-1633. [The first two authors shared equal contribution.]
    • Takeuchi, R., Chen, Z., & Cheung, S. Y. (2012). Applying uncertainty management theory to employee voice behavior: An integrative investigation. Personnel Psychology, 65: 283-323.
    • Gong, Y., Song, C., & Cheung, S. Y. (2010). High performance work systems and collective OCB: A collective social exchange perspective. Human Resource Management Journal, 20: 119-137.
    • Cheung, S. Y. Feeling Economically Trapped? Let’s Deal with It by Being Creative. Paper accepted for presentation at 2023 Academy of International Business Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, December 2023.
    • Shaffer, M. A., Ren, H., Cheung, S. Y., Yunlu. D., Wurtz, O., Henry, S. E., and Ariss, A. A. Who You Know and What You Know: Multicultural Experience, Task and Relational Creativity. Paper accepted for presentation at the Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, MA, August 2023.
    • Mo, S., Cheung, S. Y., & Gong, Y. Creativity is Allowing for Failures: Leader Failure Tolerance and Employee Creativity. Paper accepted for presentation at the Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, MA, August 2019.
    • Pidduck, R., Cheung, S., Shaffer, M., & Yunlu, D. Inputs to cultural intelligence: An identity theory perspective. Paper accepted for presentation at the AIB 2019 Annual Meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2019.
    • Wong, M. N., Song, C., Cheung, S. Y., & Huang, E. To buy or to grow learning goal-oriented employees? Examining a dynamic moderated mediation model that links employees’ learning goal orientation, creative self-efficacy, perceived workplace support, and employee creativity. Paper accepted for presentation at the Asia Academy of Management Meeting in Bali, Indonesia, June 2019.
    • Wei, L., Cheung, S., & Song, C. TMT advice seeking and decision quality: The moderating role of CEO procedural fairness and environmental dynamism. Paper presented at the European Academy of Management Meeting, Iceland, June 2018.
    • S.Y. Cheung, Yunlu, D. G., Shaffer, M., & Pidduck, R. J. Can cultural intelligence be improved? An identity theory of the impacts of international experiences. Paper presented at the European Academy of Management Meeting, Iceland, June 2018.
    • Cai Z., Parker, S. K., Chen Z., Cheung S. Y. When you bite off more than your team can chew: The misfit effect of individual and team proactivity on core task performance. Paper presented at European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) symposium "The consequences of proactive behaviors for individual and team performance", Dublin, Ireland, 17-20 February 2017.
    • Yunlu, D., & Cheung, S. Y. Global employees and relational creativity: Returns on cross-cultural communication. Paper presented at the Showcase Symposium titled, “Surviving and Thriving as a Global Employee” at the Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta, GA, August 2017.
    • Cheung, S. Y., & Yunlu, D, & Shaffer, M. Who am I? Multicultural identity, external networks and creativity. Paper presented at AIB 2017 Annual Meeting in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, July 2017.
    • Cheung, S. Y., Song, C., & Wei, L. Leader humility and employee creativity: Testing on a moderated mediation model. Paper presented at the Asia Academy of Management Meeting in Fukuoka, Japan, 2017.
    • Cheung, S. Y., & Chen, Z. Fostering transactive memory system in innovative teams. How and when speaking out sparkles team innovation? Presented at the Symposium of the Centre for Leadership & Innovation, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, July 2016.
    • Cheung, S. Y., & Chen, Z. Linking team voice behavior with team innovation: A motivated information-processing in groups model. Presented at the International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, Beijing, June 2016.
    • Cheung, S. Y., Yunlu, D. G., Shaffer, M. A., & Dunham, R. B. Creativity in a global context: A model of culturally diverse management teams. Presented at the 2nd Israel Organizational Behavior Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, January 2014.
    • Cheung, S. Y., Yunlu, D. G., Shaffer, M., & Dunham, R. B. Creativity in the cultural melting pot: A process model of MNC subsidiary top management teams. Paper presented at the symposium titled, “Global competencies: Resources, processes, and consequences” at the Academy of Management Meeting, Orlando, FL, August 2013.
    • Cheung, S. Y., & Gong, Y., Wang, M., Zhou, L., & Shi, J. Cognitive and affective crossfire: Joint effects of functional diversity and affect-based trust on knowledge sharing and innovation in teams. Paper presented at the Asia Academy of Management Meeting in Seoul, Korea, December 2012.
    • Cheung, S. Y., Gong, Y. Effects of goal orientation on incremental and radical creativity: A learning perspective. Paper accepted for presentation in the Divisional Roundtable Paper session titled “Goal orientation: Outcomes and processes” at the Academy of Management Meeting, August, Boston, MA, August 2012.
    • Cheung, S. Y., & Gong, Y. The incremental-radical distinction: Integration of goal orientation and learning perspectives. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Montreal, August 2010.
    • Gong, Y., Cheung, S. Y., & Huang, J. C. What social resources matter and who accumulates them? Two temporally lagged field studies of employee creativity. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, August 2009.
    • Takeuchi, R., Cheung, S. Y., & Chen, Z. Voice behaviors as potential social dilemma: The roles of interpersonal, procedural, and interpersonal justice facets. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, August 2009.
    • Cheung, S. Y. A study of renzhi management and employee reactions in China: Justice and OCB. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim, August 2008.
    • Gong, Y., Farh, J. L., Huang, J. C., & Cheung, S. Y. Learning mind and stimulating leader: How do they affect creative performance? Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, August 2007.

    Research Grants and Awards

    • 2012/2013 General Research Fund of Hong Kong (HK$369,915)
    • President’s Award for Teaching Excellence, HKMU (December 2021)
    • Katie Shu Sui Pui Charitable Trust - Outstanding Research Publication Award (Silver Prize), OUHK (December 2020)
    • 2017 Scholarly Impact Award, Journal of Management

    Business and Professional Engagement (including membership)

    • Member, Academy of Management
    • Member, Journal of Management Studies Editorial Review Board
    • Member, Journal of Management Studies Editorial Review Board


    D751, 7/F,
    School of Business
    Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus,
    The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong,
    Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin,
    New Territories

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    Tel : (852) 3963 5551
    Email : sbus@hsu.edu.hk
    Facebook : @sbus.hsuhk.edu.hk

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