• Faculty Members Directory

    Dr Liane LEE (李暐英博士)

    BBus/BA (Monash U)
    MBA (Macq U)
    PhD (Macq U)
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Marketing
    Office: D706

    Tel :(852) 3963 5134
    Email : lianelee@hsu.edu.hk

    Liane W.Y. Lee (PhD) has 15 years of senior management experience in product management and large-scale strategic project experiences. She had worked in HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank (HK) Limited in Personal, Small Medium Enterprise and Private Banking segments.  Dr Lee represented HSBC in the launch of Renminbi and Deposit Protection Scheme with Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Her last post was Chief Operating Officer of a mining company based in the Asia Pacific region.  Dr Lee had developed a strategic research agenda in four specific areas of guanxi (relationship management), stakeholder engagement, financial and CSR communications with publications in International Marketing Review, Journal of Business Research and Public Relations Review.

    Research and Teaching Interests

    • Relationship Management (Guanxi)
    • Stakeholder Engagement
    • International Management
    • Management Communication
    • Culture in emerging markets (Belt and Road, RCEP)
    • Big-data Studies

    Intellectual Contributions (Publications, Conferences, Books, Book Chapters, etc.)

    1. 1. Berger Ron, Barnes, Bradley R, Lee, Liane W.Y. and Rachamim, Matti (2023), "Are Christian Arabs' business models different from those of Muslim Arabs?", International Marketing Review, 40(2), 290-312.
    2. Lee, Liane W.Y., Yip, Leslie.S.C., Chan, Kara, Barnes, Bradley.R., (2023) Managing Media Relationships Among Asian Organizations: A Grounded Theory Approach. Asian Journal of Business Research, 12(2), 48-67.
    3. Chan, Eve, M,H., Cheng, Febbie H., Lau, Y.Y., Lee, Liane W.Y. and Ho, Danny C.H (forthcoming). Rebuilding a More Sustainable Fashion Industry after COVID-19. The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Business Review, 4(1), 37-45.
    4. Lee, Liane W.Y, Sharma, Piyush, and Barnes, Bradley.R.,(2022). Adopting big data to create an “outside-in” global perspective of guanxi. Journal of Business Research, 139, 614-628.
    5. Chan, Kara, Tsang, Lennon, Lee, Liane W.Y., Lam, Sunny S.K., Chan Rufina, Cheng, Benjamin K.L., Fan, Felicia, F., Lei, Vincent H., Ng, Terry., Wong, Jackin.,Wong, Meiji., Yeung, Fred., Zhang, Melannie., Li, Qiqi (2021), Discipline-based Communities of Practice: Life-long Learning of Advertising and Public Relations Educators, Learning Communities Journal, 13(1), 1-23.
    6. Lee, Liane W.Y., Tang, Yiming, Yip, Leslie S.C. and Sharma, Piyush (2018), Managing Customer Relationships in the Emerging Markets: Guanxi as a Driver of Chinese Customer Loyalty, Journal of Business Research, 86(5), 356-365
    7. Lee, Liane W.Y., Yip, Leslie S.C. and Chan, Kara (2018), An exploratory study to conceptualize press engagement behavior with public relations practitioners, Public Relations Review, 44(4), 490-500.
    1. Lee, Liane W.Y., Barnes, Bradley R and Le Monkhouse, Lien, (2023), “Utilizing Big-data to examine sustainable development goals and consumption”, 2023 Academy of International Business Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Bangkok, Dec 6-8, 2023.
    2. Lee, Liane W.Y. and Cheng, Louis T.W. (2023), "A stakeholder-engagement approach to ESG using big data analytics", Asia Sustainability and ESG Summit 2023, Bangkok, Aug 17-19, 2023.
    3. Chan, Kara and Lee, Liane W.Y. (2023), "How the Hong Kong Government Promotes Social Inclusion Through Public Services Advertisements?", 2023 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Canterbury, July 11-14. 2023.
    4. Lee, Liane. W.Y. and Barnes, Bradley R. (2023), "Using big data in consumer behavior studies - An SDG framework approach", In F. Kerrigan (Ed.), Proceedings of Academy of Marketing 2023 Annual Conference and Doctoral Colloquium: From Revolution to Revolutions, University of Birmingham.
    5. 5. Lee, Liane W.Y., Snell, Robin S., Lei, Lawrence H.W. and Wu, Crystal X. (2023) Mindfulness as a Conflict Resolution Tool for a Harmonious Workplace", 8th World Business Ethics Forum, Hong Kong, June, 14-15, 2023.
    6. Lee, Liane.W.Y., Barnes, Bradley.R. and Leung, Thomas, K.P., (2022). Guanxi studies: a 22-year systematic review in leading management journal. Paper to be presented at the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy, Perth, Dec, 5-7, 2022.
    7.  Chan Eve M.H., Lau Y.Y. and Lee Liane W.Y. (2022), "The Future of Sustainable Clothing Industry: Reimagine, Regenerate and Close the Loop", 2022 Academy of International Business Asia Pacific Conference, Ningbo, Dec 7-9, 2022.
    8. Lee, Liane.W.Y., Snell, Robin.S., Lei, Lawrence. H.W. and Wu, Crystal.X., (2022) “A Phenomenological Study of Mindfulness as a Pathway toward Socially Responsible Behaviour”. Paper to be presented at the 2022 Academy of International Business Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Ningbo, Dec 7-9, 2022.
    9. Lee, Liane W.Y., Barnes, Bradley. R. and Sharma, Piyush., (2022). How does the world view Guanxi? An Outside-in Marketing approach using Big Data, Paper presented at the Academy of Marketing Conference, Huddersfield, July, 5-7, 2022.
    10. Lee, Liane W.Y., Sharma, Piyush., Barnes, Bradley. R. (2021). A Big Data Analysis of Guanxi from an ‘Insider-outsider’ Perspective. Paper presented at the 2021 Academy of International Business Asia Pacific Regional Conference, December 8-10, 2021.
    11. Berger, Ron., Lee, Liane W.Y., and Barnes, Bradley, R. (2021). How does Religion affect social networks: The case of Wasta utilization with Christian and Muslim Arabs. Paper presented at the 2021 Academy of International Business Asia Pacific Regional Conference, December 8-10, 2021.
    12. Chan, Eve M.H., Lee, Liane W.Y., Ho, Danny C.K. (2021) The Impact of Belt and Road Initiative on Supply Chain Restructuring under Precarious Global Trade Environment: The Case of Hong Kong’s Clothing Sector. Paper presented at the 2021 Academy of International Business Asia Pacific Regional Conference, December 8-10, 2021.
    13. Lee, Liane W.Y., Chan, Eve M.H., Ho, Danny C.K and Yip, T.L. (2021). Image of Regional Cooperation Economic Partnership and Impact of Country Free Trade Agreement Participation using GDELT Big Data Sentiment Analysis. Paper presented at Academy of International Business. 2021 Online Conference, June 28- July 2, 2021.
    14. Chan, Eve M.H., Ho, Danny C.K., Lee, Liane W.Y., Yip, T.L., and Gunasekaran, A. (2021). A Big Data Analysis of Perceived Image of Belt and Road Initiative. Paper presented at Academy of International Business, UK & Ireland Chapter Conference, London, United Kingdom, April 14-16, 2021.
    15. Chan, Kara., Tsang. Lennon., Chan, Benjamin K.L., Fan, Felicia, F., Lam, Sunny K.L., Lee, Liane W.Y., Huang, Lei,. Ng, Terry., Wong, Jackin., Wong, Meigi., Yeung, Fred., Zhan Melannie and Li, Qiqi. (2021). Professional development of educators through a discipline-based CoP. Paper presented at HKAECT 2021 Conference, June 24-26, 2021.
    16. Chan, Kara., Tsang. Lennon., Chan, Benjamin K.L., Fan, Felicia, F., Lam, Sunny K.L., Lee, Liane W.Y., Huang, Lei,. Ng, Terry., Wong, Jackin., Wong, Meigi., Yeung, Fred., Zhan Melannie and Li, Qiqi. (2021). ITCL Lilly 2021 Online Conference, May 1-August 31, 2021.
    17. Lee, Liane W.Y., Chan Kara, Sharma, Piyush, Leung Tak-yan. (2020). Belt and Road Sentiment Index, conference paper published by International Public Relations Symposium (Bled), Slovenia, July 3-4, 2020.
    18. Sharma, Piyush., Cardinali, Silvio., Davcik, Nebojsa., Lee Liane W.Y., Leung Tak-yan. (2020) Belt and Road Initiative – Challenges and Opportunities for Europe, conference paper published by The European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, May 27-29, 2020.
    19. Lee, Liane W.Y., Chan, Kara and Yip, Leslie S.C. (2019) Engaging the Press – A grounded theory approach, conference paper accepted by International Public Relations Symposium, Bled, Slovenia, July 4-6, 2019.
    20. Lee, Liane W.Y and Lip, Amy W.T., (2019) Applying metacognition techniques in improving communication-based module learning outcomes, conference paper accepted by International Conference on Applied Education, Technology and Innovation (THEi AETI 2019), organized by Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, April, 16-18, 2019.
    21. Lee, Liane W.Y., Leung. Paul, K.H. and Sharma, Piyush. (2018) One-belt, one road – OBOR readiness for tourism industry, conference paper accepted by One Belt, one road, one tourism international conference, organized by Committee of OBOROT International Conference 2018, Palembang, Indonesia, Nov 22-24, 2018.
    22. Lee, Liane W.Y., Yip, Leslie S.C. (2017) Role of Customer-Acquiescence in Business-to-Business Markets: Exploring the Antecedents and Consequences11th Great Lakes NASMEI Marketing Conference, Chennai, India. Dec 22-23, 2017.
    23. Lee, Liane W.Y., Yip, Leslie S.C. and Xubing Zhang. (2017) Channel Sourcing Strategy Based on Customer-Acquiescence in Business-to-Business Markets: Antecedents and Consequences, to be held Special Session on Business-to-Business Relationship Marketing organized by Professor Piyush Sharma, Professor Leslie Yip and Dr. Russel Kingshott. Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), RMIT University, Melbourne Australia, Dec 1-6, 2017.
    24. Lee, Liane W.Y., Yip, Leslie S.C. and Chan, Kara. (2017). Press co-creation behavior: Conceptualization and Scale Development. Paper presented at the annual conference of International Public Relations Symposium, Bled, Slovenia, June 30 – July 1, 2017.
    25. Lee, Liane W.Y, Yip, Leslie S.C. and Tsui, Paul T.W. (2016) A Public Relations Practitioner’s Engagement with Journalists – A Stakeholder Engagement Perspective1st Annual Conference of the Public Relations Society of China and 9th International Forum on Public Relations & Advertising, Hong Kong, Dec 2-6. 2016.
    26. Lee, Liane W.Y. and Tang, Yiming (2015). Guanxi as a Relationship Commitment and Loyalty Behaviour: A Study of Chinese Banking CustomersInternational Conference of Asian Marketing Association in Japan, Tokyo, Japan, Oct 30- Nov 1, 2015.
    27. Lee, Liane W.Y. and Tang, Yiming (2014). Guanxi and Chinese Brand LoyaltyANZMAC conference, Brisbane, Australia. Dec 1-3, 2014.
    Book Chapters and Case Studies
    1. Chan, Eve M.H., Ho, Danny C. K., Lee, Liane W.Y., Yip, T. L. and Gunasekaran, A. (2022). A Big Data Analysis of Perceived Image of the Belt and Road Initiative. In Batas, S., Kuivalainen, O. & Sinkovics, R.R. (Eds.), Megatrends in International Business. The Academy of International Business. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-95526-7.
    2. Lee, Liane W.Y., Leung Tak-Yan and Sharma, Piyush, (2020) Exploring Hong Kong’s Role as Strategic Partner for B&R countries - Closing the Cultural Gap, in Belt and Road Initiative - Collaboration for Success, Eds. Chan, Eve M.H., Gunasekaran, A., Springer, ISBN 978-9-811-51524-8
    3. Lee, Liane W.Y. & Chan, Kara. (2017) Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility in China and Hong Kong, In Diehl, S., Karmasin, M., Mueller, B., Terlutter, R. and Weder, F. ed., Handbook of Integrated CSR-Communication: Switzerland, Springer, p.317-341, ISBN 978-3-319-44698-1.
    4. Lee, Liane W.Y. (2015) How does listed company handles negative news? China Minzhong Food vs West China cement, 上市公司如何應對負面消息-中國閩中食品與中國西部水泥的比較In Chan, K. and Tsang, L. ed., Public Relations and Crisis Management公關與危機管理.: City University Press Hong Kong, p.139-150, ISBN 978-962-937-243-9
    5. Lee, Liane W.Y. (2013) “Can-Do Hong Kong Spirit” - changing the perception of insurance. In: Quester, P., Pettigrew, S., Kopanidis, F., Hill, S.R. and Hawkins, D. I. (Eds.), 2013. Consumer Behaviour, Implications for Marketing Strategy Seventh Edition, McGraw Hill, Australia, p. 256, ISBN 978-174-307-681-1
    6. Lee, Liane W.Y. (2013) “The Mickey Mouse aura”. In: Quester, P., Pettigrew, S., Kopanidis, F., Hill, S. R. and Hawkins, D. I. (Eds.), Consumer Behaviour, Implications for Marketing Strategy Seventh Edition, McGraw Hill, Australia, p. 366, ISBN 978-174-307-681-1

    Research Grants and Awards

    1. (2024) Building a community of practice in research-informed teaching and learning (COP/2024/01), Teaching Development Grant, HKBU. Awarded Amount: HK$375,660. PI: Professor Kara Chan, Co-I: Dr. Archimedes David Guerra, Dr. Martin CK Chung, Dr. Huang Lei, Prof. Gina Lai, Dr. Benjamin Ka Lun Cheng, Dr. Amy Tsang, Dr. Melannie Yiqian Zhan, Dr. Jessica Wenshu Li, Dr. Felicia Fei Fan, Dr. Liane Wai Ying Lee, Prof. Dave Centeno, Ms. Nguyen Quang Minh Nguyet, Ms. Yan Wang and Ms. Qiqi Li
    2. (2022) Fostering Big Data Applications and Innovation to Reflect Corporate ESG Performance through Media and Social Listening (GSP/033/22), Innovation and Technology Fund, General Support Programme, Awarded Amount: $1,073,600 PI: Prof Cheng Tsz Wan, Louis, CO-I: Lee, Liane W.Y., Chan Eugene, Y.H.
    3. (2022) Circular Fashion Forum: Implementation of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) in the fashion industry (UGC/IIDS25/B01/22), Inter-Institutional Development Scheme (IIDS). Awarded Amount: $568,488, PI:Cheng, Hiu, CO-PI: Chan, M.H. Eve., CO-I: Yeung M.C. Shirley, Lee, Liane W,Y., Wong, Y.C, Eugene
    4. (2021) Insight4 Analytica Pty Ltd. & Research Matching Grant Scheme (RMGS), “HR Big Data Analytics: Workforce Analytics and Planning Platform”, - Awarded amount: $360,000 (in-kind) and $360,000 (RMGS), PI: Lee, Liane W.Y.
    5. (2019) Funding for Establishment of Communities of Practice (CoP/1920/02), Teaching Development Grant, HKBU - “Sharing good practices in teaching and learning of advertising and public relations” - Awarded amount: $360,000, PI: Chan, Kara, Tsang, Lennon, Huang Lei, Zhan, Melannie, Cheng, Benjamin, Fan, Felicia, Lam, Sunny, Lee, Liane, Wong, Jackin, Wong, Meigi, Yeung, Fred and Ng, Terry.
    6. (2016) Seed Grant Scheme from Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi), 2016/17. Project titled “A study of relational behavior and brand loyalty in public relations” (Seed grant amount: $84,000PI: Lee, Liane W.Y; Co-I: Yip, Leslie S.C., Ref: 1516101).

    Business and Professional Engagement (including membership)

    • Advisory committee member, A.S. Watson Group Retail Academy, QF Level 2-5
    • 屈臣氏集團零售學院「資歷架構第二級至第五級課程-顧問委員會」委員
    • Examination Paper Moderator for Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Integrated Communication Management by College of International Education (CIE), Hong Kong Baptist University.
    • Full Member, HK Public Relations Professionals’ Association (PRPA)
    • CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®, Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong (IFPHK)


    D751, 7/F,
    School of Business
    Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus,
    The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong,
    Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin,
    New Territories

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    Tel : (852) 3963 5551
    Email : sbus@hsu.edu.hk
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