• Dr Fanny CHAN (陳芳怡博士)

    PGCHE, PhD (University of Kent)
    MPhil (HKBU)
    BSSc (HKU)

    Head and Associate Professor
    Associate Director (Administration and Knowledge Transfer) of Research Centre for ESG
    Department of Marketing
    Office: D707

    Tel :(852) 3963 5536
    Email : fannychan@hsu.edu.hk


    Dr. Chan is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Marketing at the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. With several years of experience in the education sector, she has held various teaching, research, and administrative roles. Prior to pursuing her doctoral degree, Dr. Chan worked as a senior executive and part-time lecturer in the School of Communication at Hong Kong Baptist University. She has also taught at the University of Kent and the School of Continuing and Professional Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Additionally, Dr. Chan has served as a Project Manager at the Education University of Hong Kong and as a Research Officer at the Education Bureau of the HKSAR. Dr. Chan's primary research interests are in marketing communications, consumer psychology, sustainable consumption, and psycholinguistics. Her work has appeared in leading journals such as the European Journal of Marketing, International Marketing Review, International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Cleaner Production, among others. She currently serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Advertising Research and the International Journal of Bank Marketing.

    Research and Teaching Interests

    • Entertainment and marketing
    • Public relations and communications
    • Culture and sustainable consumption
    • Learning and teaching in higher education

    Intellectual Contributions (Publications, Books, Book Chapters)

    • Chan, F.F.Y. (2023). A systematic analysis of non-accidental visual-spatial properties in Chinese brand names and their esthetic associations. Journal of Global Marketing (published online). 
    • Tong, S.C. and Chan, F.F.Y. (2023). Revisiting public relations function in the digital era: A study on public relations and marketing practitioners in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (published online). 
    • Wang, D., Song, S., Chan, F.F.Y. and Feng, L. (2023). The impact of impression construction consumption on social identity: a study on Chinese female professionals. Journal of Social Marketing, 13(2), pp. 194-217. 
    • Song, S., Chan, F.F.Y., Li, Y. and Wang C.L. (2022). Configurating product placement prominence on brand memory: What counts and what doesn’t?. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 32(4), pp. 600-617. 
    • Chan, F.F.Y. (2022). Hong Kong millennials’ perceptions and preferences on joint promotion partners. Asia Pacific Business Review, 28(3), pp.410-430.
    • Tong, S.C. and Chan, F.F.Y. (2022). Revisiting trust in the digital era: The interplay of online trust and online dialogic communication from the practitioners’ perspective. Journal of Communication Management, 26(3), pp.271-293.
    • Chan, F.F.Y. (2022). Consumer recall and recognition of co-appearing brands in TV media: The moderating roles of product congruity and brand familiarity. Journal of Advertising Research, 62(1), pp.18-34.
    • Chan, F.F.Y. and Lowe, B. (2021). Humor in product placement: Its impact on brand perceptions. European Journal of Marketing, 55(3), pp.649-670.
    • Chan, F.F.Y. (2020). The effectiveness of integrating Facebook in marketing communications learning and teaching. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 31(3), pp.219-237.
    • Chan, F.F.Y. (2020). Prior disclosure of product placement: The more explicit the disclosure, the better the brand recall and brand attitude. Journal of Business Research, 120, pp.31-41.
    • Chan, F.F.Y. (2020). Mapping between placement strategies and placed product attributes in television programs. Journal of Marketing Communications, 26(7), pp.780-798.
    • Wong, E.Y.C., Chan, F.F.Y., and So, S. (2020). Consumer perceptions on product carbon footprints and carbon labels of beverage merchandise in Hong Kong. Journal of Cleaner Production, 242(1), [Equal authorship]
    • Song, S., Chan, F.F.Y. and Wu, Y. (2020). The interaction effect of placement characteristics and emotional experiences on consumers’ brand recognition. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 32(6), pp.1269-1285.
    • Tong, S.C. and Chan, F.F.Y. (2020). Exploring market-oriented relations in the digital era: A study of public relations and marketing practitioners in Hong Kong. Journal of Communication Management, 24(1), pp.65-82.
    • Chan, F.F.Y. (2019). The perceived effectiveness of overt versus covert promotions. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 29(3), pp.321-334.
    • Chan, F.F.Y. and Lowe, B. (2018). Product placement practices in prime-time television programs in Hong Kong. International Journal of Advertising, 37(6), pp.984-1009.
    • Chan, F.F.Y., Lowe, B. and Petrovici, D. (2017). Young adults’ perceptions of product placement in films: An exploratory comparison between the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. Journal of Marketing Communications, 23(3), pp.311-328.
    • Chan, F.F.Y. (2017). An overview of the indicators of advertising performance. In K. Chan (Ed.), Social Issues of Advertising, City University of Hong Kong Press, Hong Kong, pp.1-20.
    • Chan, F.F.Y. (2017). Branded contents: Public attitudes and regulation. In K. Chan (Ed.), Social Issues of Advertising, City University of Hong Kong Press, Hong Kong, pp.51-68.
    • Chan, F.F.Y., Chan, S. and Tang, F. (2016). The effect of perceived advertising effort on brand perception: Implication for retailers in Hong Kong. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 27(1), pp.78-93.
    • Chan, F.F.Y., Lowe, B. and Petrovici, D. (2016). Processing of product placements and brand persuasiveness. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 34(3), pp.355-375.
    • Chan, F.F.Y., Petrovici, D. and Lowe, B. (2016). Antecedents of product placement effectiveness across cultures. International Marketing Review, 33(1), pp.5-24.
    • Chan, F.F.Y. (2016). An exploratory content analysis of product placement in top grossing films. Journal of Promotion Management, 22(1), pp.107-121.
    • Chan, F.F.Y. (2015). A critical realist and multimethodology framework for product placement research. Journal of Promotion Management, 21(3), pp.279-295.
    • Lowe, B., Chan, F. F.Y. and Yeow, P. (2014). Price promotions and their effect upon reference prices. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 23(4/5), pp.349-361.
    • Chan, F.F.Y. (2014). Reflections on teaching and research: Two inseparable components in higher education. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 20(5), pp.755-763.
    • Chan, F.F.Y. (2012). Product placement and its effectiveness: A systematic review and propositions for future research. The Marketing Review, 22(1), pp.39-60.
    • Chan, F.F.Y. (2011). Selling through entertaining: The effect of humour in television advertising in Hong Kong. Journal of Marketing Communications, 17(5), pp.319-336.
    • Chan, F.F.Y. (2011). The use of humor in television advertising in Hong Kong. Humor: International Journal of Humor, 24(1), pp.43-61.
    • Guo, S., To, Y.M., Huang, Y. and Chan, F.F.Y. (2010). The meaning of distance in news: Hong Kong media’s differential treatment of local vs. non-local events. Mass Communication Research, 104, pp.195-235. [In Chinese]
    • Huang, Y., Guo, S., To, Y.M. and Chan, F.F.Y. (2010). Measuring news content and press performance: The case of Hong Kong. Communication and Society, 12, pp. 147-174. [In Chinese]
    • Chan, K. and Chan, F.F.Y. (2008). Children’s television programs in China: A discourse of success and modernity. In Wu, D. (Ed.) The Discourses of Greater China, Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, pp.113-128.
    • Chan, F.F.Y., Chan, K. and Chan, J. (2006). Social communication and advertising indicators. In K. Chan (Ed.), Advertising and Hong Kong Society. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, pp.1-21.
    • Chan, K. and Chan, F.F.Y. (2005). Information content of television advertising in China: An update. Asian Journal of Communication, 15(1), pp.1-15.
    • Xia, W., Chan, K. and Chan, F.F.Y. (2004). Consumer behaviour reflected in a Chinese TV cartoon series: The big head son and the small head dad.Xin Wen Yu Chuan Bo Yan Jiu (Journalism and Communication Research), 11(2), pp.21-26, 95. [In Chinese]
    • Chan, K., McNeal, J. and Chan, F.F.Y. (2002). Television advertising strategies and effects on Chinese children. Zhong Guo Guang Bo Dian Shi Xue Kan (China Radio & TV Academic Journal), 11, pp.33-34, 37. [In Chinese].
    • Chan, K., McNeal, J. and Chan, F.F.Y. (2002). Do Chinese children like and believe in television commercial? Xin Wen Yu Chuan Bo Yan Jiu (Journalism and Communication Research), 9(4), pp.24-35. [In Chinese].
    • Chan, K., McNeal, J. and Chan, F.F.Y. (2002). Children’s response to television advertising in China. International Journal of Advertising and Marketing to Children [now Young Consumers], 4(1), pp.43-53.

    Research Grants and Awards

    • Co-Principal Investigator: "Reviewing digital technology-driven marketing communications and future research directions: A cross-disciplinary dialogue between academics and practitioners", Research Grant Council Inter-Institutional Development Scheme grant 2023 (HK$ 564,651).
    • Principal Investigator: "Advertising innovative products across cultures: The manifestation of innovativeness cues and their relative impact", Research Grant Council Faculty Development Scheme grant (HK$ 896,985).
    • Team Member: "Establishing a research infrastructure for ESG intelligence: A multi-stakeholder perspective", Research Grant Council Institutional Development Scheme Research Infrastructure Grant (HK$ 4,095,000).
    • Team member: "Developing pedagogical research and writing skills leading to refereed journal publications for HSU academic staff",  Strategic Development Grant, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HK$100,000).
    • Principal Investigator: "Promoting Sustainable Development Goals to Generation Z in Hong Kong", Sustainable Development Grant, Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HK$109,650).
    • Principal Investigator: "Product placement in Hong Kong television programmes: Brand persuasiveness and regulatory issues", Research Grant Council Faculty Development Scheme grant (HK$471,998).
    • Co-Investigator: "Revisiting public relations functions and values in the digital era", Research Grant Council Faculty Development Scheme grant (HK$562,163).
    • Co-Investigator: "Consumer carbon label: Development of supply chain product carbon footprint and consumer carbon index for beverage merchandise", Research Grant Council Faculty Development Scheme grant (HK$967,227).
    • Principal Investigator: "Perceptions of brand co-appearance in product placement: An information-processing approach to examining brand and consumer factors", Research Grant Council Faculty Development Scheme grant (HK$599,940).
    • Principal Investigator: "Chinese brand name processing: The role of non-accidental visual-spatial properties in brand memory and perceptions", Research Grant Council Faculty Development Scheme grant (HK$520,245)


    D751, 7/F,
    School of Business
    Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus,
    The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong,
    Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin,
    New Territories

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    Tel : (852) 3963 5551
    Email : sbus@hsu.edu.hk
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