• Dr WONG Yin Yee, Jody (王賢儀博士)

    PhD (University of New South Wales)
    MPhil (City University of Hong Kong)
    BBA (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

    BBA-GBM Programme Director
    Senior Lecturer
    Department of Management

    Tel :(852) 3963 5678
    Email : jodywong@hsu.edu.hk


    Dr Jody Wong obtained her PhD from The University of New South Wales, Australia. Her research interests include emotional labor, organizational socialization of employees and creativity.

    Intellectual Contributions (Publications, Conferences, Books, Book Chapters, etc.)

    Journal Papers
    • Wong Y. Y., Chow, I H-S, Lau, V. P., Gong, Y. 2018. Benefits of team participative decision making and its potential to affect individual creativity.Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48: 369-376.
    • Lau, V. P., Wong, Y. Y., & Chow G, W. C. 2013. Turning the tables: Mitigating effects of proactive personality on the relationships between work-to-family conflict and work- and nonwork-related outcomes. Career Development International, 18: 503-520.
    • Lau, V. P., & Wong, Y. Y. 2009. Direct and multiplicative effects of ethical dispositions and ethical climates on personal justice norms: A virtue ethics perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 90: 279-294.
    • Lui, S., Wong, Y. Y., & Liu, W. 2009. Asset specificity roles in interfirm cooperation: Reducing opportunistic behavior or increasing cooperative behavior? Journal of Business Research, 62: 1214-1219.
    Book Chapter
    • Wong, Y. Y., & Groth, M. 2017. Customer satisfaction and service. In S.G. Rogelberg (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd Edition (pp. 275-279). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
    Trade Book
    • 劉柏能、王賢儀、容少鵬(2017)《80課學懂HRM》香港:匯智出版社。


    D751, 7/F,
    School of Business
    Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus,
    The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong,
    Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin,
    New Territories

    Contact Us

    Tel : (852) 3963 5551
    Email : sbus@hsu.edu.hk
    Facebook : @sbus.hsuhk.edu.hk

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