Professor Tse began his career in UBC (1984-1993) and returned to Hong Kong since 1993. He has taught in HKUST (Deputy Head 1993), City U (Chair Professor 1994-1998) and HKU (Chair Professor in Marketing and Founding Head 1998-2022) before joining the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. By 2025, his papers have been cited over 23,500 in Google scholar citation and he has been rated as 1% cited scholar since 2009. Journal of International Business Studies rated him as among the world’s most prolific scholars. He served gate-keeper roles in journals like JIBS (consulting editor), JM, JMR and the like.
He is known for his research in international marketing (market-entry strategies), marketing in China (innovation, channel, advertising & branding) and service marketing (satisfaction models and brand love). His current research includes MNE geo-political challenges, resilience strategies, influencer marketing, online brand experience, and AI branding preferences.
Professor Tse has published 19 top-tier journal papers (including Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, and Journal of International Business Studies, 40 other journal papers in Marketing Letters, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Advertising etc.), 1 annual (China Market Yearbook, 1 book (Cambridge University Press), 5 edited books, and many book chapters/conference papers on these topics.
Professor Tse was an Academic Trustee of Marketing Science Institute and a board member of the Sheth Foundation. He was a fellow of Center for Service Leadership in Arizona State University and a fellow of William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan. He served as the founding vice-president of the Asia Academy of Management. At the University of Hong Kong, Professor Tse founded the Contemporary Marketing Centre, as a centre of distinction at the university. He was awarded the best MBA teacher and received research awards.
Professor Tse spoke at major global conferences including World Knowledge Forum, World Marketing Conference, USC’s Asia Pacific Business Outlook Conference, Beijing Stock Commission CEO Conference, China Professional Marketers’ Conference, and AMCHAM talks. He served in HKSAR Government's Central Policy Unit (1995-7) and sat on committees in other organizations including ICAC, and Real Estate Authority. He consulted for Time Medical, BASF, HSBC, SmarTone, All China Market Research, ChinaVest, Swire Properties, Elec & Eltec, Nomura Research International, and HKSAR Government (Efficiency Unit).