Highlights of Award Presentation Ceremony

The School of Business and the Department of Economics and Finance co-organised a team-based competition targeted for senior secondary students from March to May this year. The theme was “Stay Alert to Money Traps – The Earlier, the Better” (「理財關注『早』WhatsApp貼圖設計比賽」), in encouraging secondary school students to create WhatsApp stickers to alert their peers on financial management and be cautious about financial scams. The competition attracted participation from 27 secondary schools, with NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College winning the championship. The award presentation ceremony was held on 27 June 2024.
High school is the perfect time to learn personal finance skills because students are just about to start making their own decisions about their own money. At that age, students are transitioning from being kids to young adults. Exchanging experience and alerting each others among peers could prevent them from falling into money traps. Dr Thomas LEUNG, Associate Dean of the School, expressed his hope that through this competition, young people can spread financial education messages to their peers and provide mutual guidance.
The Judging Panel consisted of the Hon Edward Leung HEI, Legislative Councilor, HKSAR; Ms Dora LI, General Manger of Investor and Financial Education; Ms Elaine SHIU, Chairperson of the Youth Innovation Development Charity Association and Dr Thomas LEUNG, Associate Dean of the School of Business. They selected the top eight winning teams.
It was important to note that the Youth Innovation Development Charity Association served as the sponsoring organisation for the competition, providing support and resources to ensure its success.
香港恒生大學商學院經濟及金融系舉辦及青年創新發展慈善協會(YIDC)贊助的 「理財關注『早』WhatsApp 貼圖設計比賽」,透過理財教育比賽,鼓勵中學生創作 WhatsApp 貼圖,提醒朋輩關注及做好理財及提防受騙。比賽吸引 27 間中學參加, 由新生命教育協會呂郭碧鳳中學奪得冠軍及 YIDC 最佳作品創意獎,頒獎禮已於昨日(6 月 27 日)舉行。
中學生踏入高中後,消費開支逐漸增加,很多產品及服務都以他們為推廣對象。更甚者,他們亦是科技詐騙目標。中學生若缺乏理財教育和防騙意識,將難以應付騙徒,或因輕率決定導致嚴重後果。恒生大學商學院副院長梁劍平博士致辭時表示, 期望透過是次比賽,鼓勵年輕人善用朋輩力量,廣傳理財教育訊息,並互相提點。 他又指出,恒生大學來年將繼續積極舉辦有關理財教育的比賽,向大眾傳遞正確觀念。贊助機構青年創新發展慈善協會(YIDC)主席邵燕寧致辭時表示,在評審作品的過程中看到青年無限的創意,鼓勵中學生善用新媒體為社會帶來更多創新及正 面的影響。
Messages from the Winning Teams: CLICK HERE