• Useful Information for TPG students

    Before Entry to Hong Kong

    Student Visa/Entry Permit

    Timeline/ Deadline


    Document Requirements



    1. 缴付行政费(含签证费)
    2. 以特快专递邮寄或亲自递交已填妥的签证申请表格(ID995A) 及所需文件至教务处(地址:香港新界沙田小沥源行善里香港恒生大学袁炳涛校园N座大楼一楼,即N101室)
    3. 香港恒生大学将安排代为送交签证表格及文件予香港入境事务处
    签证申请表格 ( ID995A )中国居民身份证、户籍证明或常住人口登记卡复印件恒大发出之录取通知书复印件 港币 500 元 有关程序1-3的疑问、进度查询,请联络恒大教务处 Email:tpgadmission@hsu.edu.hk; Tel: (852) 3963 5088
    1. 学生签证/进入许可批出后,大学会代为领取证件,并用特快专递寄回给学生本人。
    申请人的有效旅行证件(如往来港澳通行证)复印件,必须载有个人资料、签发日期、届满日期及/或所持的任何可返回原居地签证的详情(如适用)。如尚未获签发旅行证件,建议先前往当地公安局办理“往来港澳通行证” 经济证明资料(如:银行结单、储蓄户口存折)。 有关学生签证的签发进度查询,请联络香港入境事务处 Email:enquiry@immd.gov.hk; Tel: (852) 2824 6111

    Registration Preparations:

    Digital Accounts







    eCampus (see activation procedure below) Find the latest news from the University; Get access to HSUHK applications; View and update your personal information. https://ecampus. hsu.edu.hk NIL Your student number (e.g. p22000) Registry will send a registration invitation including your initial passwords of all these accounts to your personal email account when you are registered with HSUHK. Then change your passwords as per the requirements below:
    1. At least 8 characters,
    2. not contain username
    3. with both uppercase and lowercase letters
    4. at least 1 digit or symbol
    Moodle To use VeriGuide Moodle to submit assignments and view originality report. https://moodle. hsu.edu.hk NIL Your student number (e.g. p22000)
    Microsoft 365 (i.e. MS Outlook) To use the integrated suite of Microsoft services (e.g. MS Teams for online learning, Office, Outlook, etc.) To receive HSUHK emails for students in Mainland China https://office.com @hsu.edu.hk Your student number + domain (e.g. p22000@hsu.edu.hk)

    eCampus Activation Procedures

    Links and Supporting App

    1. Login MS Outlook to receive verified code to access HSUHK App (If you are in Mainland China) (Your student number + @hsu.edu.hk) (e.g. p220000@hsu.edu.hk) https://office.com
    2. Log in eCampus on a PC (account name: your student number, e.g. p220000) https://ecampus.hsu.edu.hk
    2.1 Download and login the HSUHK App on your smartphone for the 2-factor authentication (2FA) step You can download the app at below links: Goolge Play Apple App Store
    2.2 When eCampus asks for 2FA, click your “HSUHK” App on your smartphone 2EF1
    2.3. Click 2EF2 at the top right-hand corner (highlighted in purple) of the App 2.4. Click “Scan QR Code” 2.5. Scan the QR code on eCampus on your PC to log in 3. Process Complete 2EF3

    Studies-related Forms:


    Timeline / Deadline


    Fees and Document Requirements



    Grade Review Within 3 working days upon the release of results (ref. the Important Dates below) https://eform.hsu.edu.hk/ form/app/? formId=REG305 HK$150 per module (to be settled on the e-form) Late application will NOT be accepted Registry: registry@ hsu.edu.hk; Tel: (852) 3963 5555
    Deferment of Studies Before the commencement of the semester concerned (ref. the Important Dates below) https://eform.hsu.edu.hk/ form/app/?form Id=REG303
    1. Deferral fee: HK$ 500 per semester (to be settled on the e-form)
    2. Upload supporting document(s) (e.g. medical certificates) onto the e-form
    Application for deferment of study submitted after the semester concerned has commenced will NOT be considered
    Application for Academic Transcript/Letter of Certification https://ecampus.hsu. edu.hk/form/ academictranscript HK$60 per copies (to be settled on the e-form) An application for academic transcript/letter of certification will normally take at least 7 working days to process.
    Academic Regulations for TPG HERE




    User Guide


    Wifi 您可以通过校园内的以下热点访问互联网 HERE ITSC: itsc@hsu.edu.hk; Tel: (852) 3963 5160
    Microsoft 365 学生可以使用 Microsoft Office(Word、Excel、PowerPoint),还可以下载并安装最新的 Microsoft Office 应用程序。 HERE
    eCoupon via AliPay and WeChat Pay 学生可以使用AliPay 及WeChat Pay 购买列印 或 运动设施的 eCoupon HERE
    Sports Facilities 学生均须透过网上申请预约体育设施,而游泳及健身则须亲临李兆基综合大楼 (Block B) 服务台购票。 各体育设施开放时间及使用详情请参阅使用守则。 为鼓励多做运动,同学可于以下时段免费使用相关运动设施。(先到先得)
    可使用设施 免费时段 (如场地没有预约)
    • 室内运动场 (篮球及羽毛球)
    • 室内游泳池
    • 乒乓球
    • 健身室
    星期一至五: 08:30 – 14:30 (不包括公众假期)及星期五: 17:30 – 20:30
    HERE SAO: sao@hsu.edu.hk; Tel: (852) 3963 5560

    Important Dates








    28 August 2023 MSc-EM New Student Orientation (D301, Block D at 7:00pm) MSc-EM Programme Office: mscem@hsu.edu.hk Tel: (852) 3963 5395
    1 September 2023 Application Deadline for Deferment of Study (Semester 1) Registry: registry@hsu.edu.hk Tel: (852) 3963 5555
    4 September 2023 MSc-EM Semester 1 starts
    6 October 2023 MBM New Student Orientation MBM Programme Office: mbm@hsu.edu.hkTel: (852) 3963 5551
    1 December 2023 MSc-EM Semester 1 ends
    22 December 2023 MBM Semester 1 ends
    December 2023 Examination Period
    10 January 2024 Release of Assessment/Examination Results
    12 January 2024 Application Deadline for Grade Review (Semester 1) Registry: registry@hsu.edu.hk Tel: (852) 3963 5555
    Application Deadline for Deferment of Study for Semester 2
    15 January 2024 MSc-EM Semester 2 starts
    22 January 2024 MBM Semester 2 starts
    26 April 2024 MSc-EM Semester 2 ends MBM Semester 2 ends
    26 April 2024 MSc-EM Semester 2 ends MBM Semester 2 ends
    Early-May 2024 MBM Summer Semester starts (BUS6999 Dissertation Project)
    Late-July 2024 MBM Summer Semester ends

    Class/Examination Arrangements during Bad Weather

    有关恶劣天气上课安排,请参考教务处指引 HERE

    Extension of Stay


    Timeline / Deadline


    Document Requirements



    逗留期限届满前六星期 1. 亲自前往恒大教务处办公室(N101室)递交已填妥的申领延长逗留期限证明表格,并支付费用。) 申領延长逗留期限证明表格 网上表格 (请在Other 位置填写 “visa extension”) 邮寄至香港本地地址或亲身领取: 每份副本为港币60元 空邮至内地或海外地址: 每份副本为港币70元 有关证明进度查询,请联络恒大教务处: registry@hsu.edu.hk; Tel: (852) 3963 5555
    逗留期限届满前四星期 A. 亲自递交已填妥的签证申请表格(ID91,右列) 及所需文件至香港入境事务处延期逗留组 (地址:香港湾仔告士打道七号入境事务大楼五楼);或 B. 在递交网上延长逗留期限的申请 1. 申请人的有效旅行证件及有最近的签证/进入许可/入境盖印/入境标签/延期逗留标签的旧旅行证件(如适用)的正副本及最近获签发的「电子签证」(如适用); 2. 申请人的香港身份证副本; 3. 延长逗留期限申请表格 (ID91) 4. 恒生大学发给香港入境事务处确认学生继续就读而须延长逗留期限的证明(見上第1點) 港币230元 有关学生签证的签发进度查询,请联络香港入境事务处: enquiry@immd.gov.hk; Tel: (852) 3963 5555

    After completion of the programme

    Graduation Requirements

    The graduation and award classification of a TPG student would be put forth to the Academic Board (AB) for approval in each semester only after:

    1. He/ she has fulfilled the academic graduation requirements; and
    2. He/ she has submitted an application for graduation.

    Students may apply for graduation in Semester 1, 2 or Summer Term.  Please observe the following important dates carefully and submit your application for gradation by the stipulated deadlines:

    [Important Dates] Graduating upon completion of Semester 1, Semester 2 or Summer Term

    For the MBM Programme, students will graduate in Summer Term and he/she must fulfill the academic graduation requirements and has submitted an application for graduation.  Please note that students should have your letter of certification for graduation and official transcripts before applying for any visa. 

    Graduation Registration



    Corresponding windows

    After completion of the required minimum number of credits: MSc-EM: 30 Credits MBM: 27 Credits 1. Log in to eCampus 2. Scroll over the top left hand icon 3. Click “MyHSUHK na
    1. Click “Study Progress” 2. Click “Graduation” 3. Click “Apply for Graduation” Process complete. na

    Further Enquiries and Support

    MBM Programme Office: D726, 7/F, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building (Email: mbm@hsu.edu.hk; Tel.: 3963 5551)

    MSc-EM Programme Office: D726, 7/F, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building (Email: mscem@hsu.edu.hk; Tel.: 3963 5395)


    D751, 7/F,
    School of Business
    Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus,
    The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong,
    Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin,
    New Territories

    Contact Us

    Tel : (852) 3963 5551
    Email : sbus@hsu.edu.hk
    Facebook : @sbus.hsuhk.edu.hk

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