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    Cherry Leung

    • 市場學系在6月28日舉辦了以「The Future of Marketing」為題的分享會,邀請了六位畢 […]

    • The Department of Marketing hosted a gala on the 28th of June, themed“The Future of Marketing”. We invited 6 graduates from different classes and industry leaders to share their opinions about the future dev […]

    • 市場學系於2023年4月27日舉辦了師生茶聚,以增進師生情誼。聚會結束後,本系為同學安排了Photoshop 工作坊,請來資深平面設計師 Tiffany Tam 教授基本設計概念和實用修圖技巧。

    • A personal tutor-tuee networking event was held on 27 April 2023, for students to engage in a meaningful conversation with their tutors. Following the event was a Photoshop workshop led by Ms Tiffany Tam, an e […]

    • 本系在4月18日接待了71名來自香港專業教育學院(觀塘)的學生。除了介紹BBA-MKT和BBA-GB兩個課程外,IVE學生更透過校園遊體驗大學生活,亦在學生分享環節了解到本校為學生追尋夢想所提供的機會。


      活動完結後,部分IVE學生表示有興趣再參與市場學系在6月份舉辦的 […]

    • On April 18, 2023, the Department of Marketing hosted a group of 71 students from the Institution of Vocational Education Kwun Tong (IVE-KT) for a half-day visit.  In addition to giving a brief introduction of […]

    • 市場學系系主任陳芳怡博士在1月18日到訪慈幼英文學校,擔任面試技巧工作坊的主講嘉賓。



    • 市場學系於2023年2月23日,邀請了香港理工大學前應用社會科學系實務教授(老年學) 錢黃碧君教授為同學作分享,分析銀髮市場的特徵和發展趨勢。   


    • A sharing talk led by our community leader Teresa Tsien, former Professor of Practice (Gerontology) of the Department of Applied Social Sciences in PolyU, was held on 23 February 2023. The event provided people […]

    • An Interview Skills Training Workshop was held in the Salesian English School on 18 January, with Dr Fanny CHAN, Head of the Department of Marketing as a guest speaker. 

      On that day, a mock interview together […]

    • 今年的資訊日對恒大以及市場學系而言皆非常成功。本系舉辦的兩場講座吸引了不少家長和中學生前來參與,而學系介紹攤位則人頭湧湧,十分熱鬧。

      為幫助中學生找到未來職業方向,我們請來JobsDB的Head of Marketing Tristan SHING作生涯規劃分享,讓來賓對市場學行業前景、薪酬趨勢和僱主對畢業生的期望有更深的認識。現場有約60位參加者,另外亦有學生透過MS Teams參與本次講座。隨後,本系池耀輝老師就我 […]

    • In the academic year 2021/22, despite the pandemic, our members have been dedicated to their research work and shared their research findings at international conferences and workshops, […]

    • The HSUHK Information Day this year was a huge success for the University as well as for the Department of Marketing. Our career talk and programme introduction session both attracted record attendance while the […]

    • 恒大在10月17日迎來了德蘭中學的師生團,他們參與了一系列的活動,包括創意廣告工作坊、校園參觀以及設施體驗。


      其後,師生團參觀了大學校園 […]

    • HSUHK welcomed a group of young guests from the St. Teresa Secondary School on 17th October 2022. An array of fascinating activities including the Advertising & IMC: Creative Brief Workshop, Behaviour Laboratory […]

    • 市場學系於2022年9月28日舉辦的CEO Talk 請來了Spread-it的聯合創辦人暨行政總裁 Winnie LEE,以及People On Board 樂在棋中的創辦人 Thomas WONG 作演講。除了創業經驗外,兩位嘉賓還分享了他們對發展海外市場的看法。

      是次活動吸引逾百名師生參與,而同學們亦有踴躍發問,與嘉賓討論了有關influencer marketing、社企和創業的問題。



    • The CEO Talk organized by the Department of Marketing on 28 September 2022 featured Ms Winnie LEE, co-founder and CEO of Spread-it and Mr Thomas WONG, founder of People On Board.  The speakers shared not only […]

    • 市場學系在前食物及衛生局(現爲環境及生態局)的委託下,推行為期一年的「全城減鹽減糖」計劃。為回顧計劃的豐碩成果及表彰學生們的努力與貢獻,本系在8月24日舉行學生大使嘉許禮,並請來三位環境局的官員作頒獎嘉賓。 


      嘉許禮 […]

    • Hong Kong’s Action on Salt and Sugar Reduction (HKASSR) was a one-year project carried out by the Department of Marketing, commissioned by the former Food and Health Bureau (presently the Environment and Eco […]

    • 市場學系於2020年12月1日舉辦CEO講座,請來三位數碼營銷專家: CheckCheckCin 的創辦人(Ms. Cinci Leung)、香港華納唱片的高級副總經理(Mr. Darren Ho)和 OilDiva及Oilbook的創辦人(Ms. Fiona Lui)來分享自身創業經歷和行業見解。縱然活動因疫情所限而要在網上舉行,但學生仍非常投入,在問答環節中踴躍發問。

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    D751, 7/F,
    School of Business
    Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus,
    The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong,
    Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin,
    New Territories

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    Tel : (852) 3963 5551
    Email : sbus@hsu.edu.hk
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