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    • 第二期的專業團體簡介會 2023 於 2023 年10月5日順利舉行。是次活動緊接著上次的簡介 […]

    • ACY seminar of the SBUS School Gala was successfully held on 21 June 2023. Ms. Willa Chan, Founding Principal of Willa Legal was invited to share her insights on the topic on “Is Hong Kong a good place to set up a […]

    • 恭喜6位專業會計學工商管理(榮譽)學士課程三年級及四年級的同學成功入選2024安永國際稅務菁英大賽香港區決賽。其中,馬曉彤同學更擠身香港區決賽的最終八強!恒大同學對比賽熱情投入,全力以赴,取得佳績,令人鼓舞。


      陳芷琳同學 (專業會計學工商管理(榮譽)學士課程三年級生)
      黃珮詩同學 (專業會計學工商管理(榮譽)學士課程三年級生)
      李國樑同學 (專業會計學工商管理(榮譽)學士課程三年級生) […]

    • Let’s applaud 6 students from BBA-PA year 3 and year 4 who have successfully entered the Hong Kong Final of the Ernst & Young’s Young Tax Professional of the Year!  MA Hiu Tung, Tracy made her way to be one of t […]

    • 恭喜恒大隊伍於2023年6月3-4日舉行的TIHK 全港大專生稅務辯論比賽中奪得季軍和最佳合作精神隊伍 […]

    • 中主環球會計師事務所推行CWK大學計劃,旨在培育年輕業界人才。公司代表於2024年3月7 日蒞臨恒大向同學講解計劃詳情。




      管理合夥人梁澤仁先生向同學介紹CWK 大學計劃。



    • CWK Global has launched the CWK University Program with an aim to cultivate young talents in the accounting profession. The firm’s representatives visited HSUHK and provided detailed information about the scheme t […]

    • 為了讓同學緊貼專業團體及其專業資格的最新資訊,最近一期的專業團體簡介會於2024年2月29日順利舉行。




      專業團體簡介會2023-24 -系列二於2024年2月29日順利舉行。

    • The Professional Bodies Briefing Session 2023-24 – Series 2 was successfully held on 29 February 2024 to provide students with the latest information about the professional bodies and their respective q […]

    • 會計學系客席講座—法證會計調查與經驗於2024年2月1 日順利舉行。會計學系邀請了三位來自特許詐騙審查師學會(ACFE)香港分會的專家Ian Barlow先生, Kris Lee先生和Dudley Tyen先生分享詐騙審查的經驗。 透過英國郵政局醜聞案例,同學從中了解詐騙審查的程序以及詐騙審查專家在調查和預防財務詐騙中扮演的重要角色。



      會計學系邀請了三位來自 […]

    • The ACY Guest Lecture on Forensic Investigation and Experience held on 1 February 2024 was a resounding success. The Department of Accountancy invited three renowned specialists from the Association of Certified […]

    • 由共同核心課程辦公室、會計學系、商學院和恒大初創及中小企資源中心共同舉辦的國家安全法公開講座於2024年2月1 日順利舉行。





    • The Public Lecture on National Security Law was successfully held on 1 February 2024, co-hosted by the Common Core Curriculum Office, Department of Accountancy, School of Business, and HSUHK Start-up and SME […]

    • 會計學系師生共聚暨馬賽克燈製作工作坊於2024年1月25 日順利舉行。是次活動亦為學系2023-24第二學期的一系列活動揭開序幕。

      同 […]

    • The Department of Accountancy has successfully hosted the Personal Tutor-tutee Networking cum Mosaic Lamp Arts Workshop on 25 January 2024, as a kick-off event for the commencement of Semester 2, 2023-24.
      The […]

    • The Graduation Ceremony 2022 for BBA-ACC, BBA-CG and BBA-CGC programmes was successfully held on 8 Dec 2022. To celebrate this special moment with our graduates, the Department of Accountancy hosted a […]

    • 專業團體簡介會2022 – 系列一 於2022年9月22日順利舉行。活動旨 […]

    • The Professional Bodies Briefing Session 2022 – Series 1 was successfully held on 22 September 2022 with an aim to provide students with the latest information on the professional bodies and their respective […]

    • 會計學系講座於2023年6月21日順利舉行。是次活動為商學院週的活動之一,學系特邀Willa Legal 的創辦人陳彩芳女士主持客席講座。陳女士分享她了與私募基金有關的香港法規。 講座完畢後,一眾教職員,學生以及校友聚首一堂,相互交流。學系深信是次活動能增強校友與學系的連繫。




    • Congratulations to our HSUHK team on winning the 2nd runner-up and the best team spirit award at the TIHK Tax Debate Competition 2023, which was hosted by the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong and held on 3 and 4 […]

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    School of Business
    Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus,
    The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong,
    Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin,
    New Territories

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