Guest Lecture on “Market Misconduct” cum Personal Tutor-tutee Networking
- Written by lewisip
- Published in Accountancy News, CG Activities, PA Activities
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Guest lecture on “Market Misconduct” cum Tutor-tutee Networking was held on 9 November 2017. Dr. Davy Lee, Group Corporate Secretary of Lippo Group, was invited to share his view on the importance of good corporate governance to a company and discuss with students the market misconduct cases in contemporary economy.
Tutor-tutee Networking was then held after the guest lecture. Students sought advice from their personal tutors regarding to their academic and career development, particularly conducting internship and job hunting. Besides, senior students also shared their past experience to lower year’s schoolmates.
More than 50 students and teachers participated in the event.
Group photo of Dr. Davy Lee and the head of Department of Accountancy Prof. Kevin Lam.
Group photo of students and their personal tutors.
Group photo of students, the head of Department of Accountancy, and their personal tutors.