MonsoonSIM Enterprise Resource Management (Online Business Simulation Game) Hong Kong Competition 2021
- Written by lewisip
- Published in Accountancy - Student Achievements, PA Student Achievements, Student Achievements
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MonsoonSIM Enterprise Resource Management (Online Business Simulation Game) Hong Kong Competition completed successfully on 12-June 2021. This year, 11 teams of HSUHK students participated in the captioned event.
After the first round of competition, Team Ambition, Team Brilliantstan, Team Geni+us and Team NexTTrendyLeveL were shortlisted as four of the top 9 teams. They entered into the Grand Final Round of competition. Finally, Team Geni+us won the Champion and Team NexTTrendyLeveL won the 2nd runner-up in this competition.
Here are the members of the finalist teams:
Team Geni+us (The Champion in the Grand Final)
CHAU Hiu Yee (Leader), Year 4 student of BBA in Supply Chain Management
MO Choi Shan Nadine Ann, Year 4 student of BBA (with Accounting concentration)
LAI Kai Yee, Year 4 student of BBA in Supply Chain Management
LAM Wanwen, Year 3 student of BBA (with Banking and Finance concentration)
NGAN Kwan Yui, Year 4 student of BBA in Supply Chain Management
Team NexTTrendyLeveL (The 2nd runner-up in the Grand Final)
NG Wing Kei (Leader), Year 3 student of BSC in Data Science and Business Intelligence
LAM Wai Ting, Year 2 student of BSC in Data Science and Business Intelligence
LEUNG Ping, Year 3 student of BSC in Data Science and Business Intelligence
TANG Sing Lik, Year 2 student of BSC in Data Science and Business Intelligence
TO Lok Sum, Year 2 student of BSC in Data Science and Business Intelligence
Team Ambition (A finalist team)
MAN Yuen Ying (Leader), Year 3 student of BBA (with Accounting concentration)
CHEN Tzu Hua Clara, Year 4 student of BBA (with Marketing concentration)
LAU King Hin, Year 3 student of BBA (with Accounting concentration)
WONG Nok Hang Gabriel, Year 3 student of BBA (with Accounting concentration)
Yiu Ka Wing, Year 3 student of BBA in Supply Chain Management
Team Brilliantstan (A finalist team)
WONG Lok Yiu (Leader), Year 3 student of BBA (with Accounting concentration)
FAN Chun Ming, Year 3 student of BBA (with Accounting concentration)
LAM Sheung Kwan, Year 4 student of BBA (with Banking and Finance concentration)
WONG Kei Ting, Year 3 student of BBA (with Accounting concentration)
WONG Sze Wa Connie, Year 3 student of BBA (with Accounting concentration)
A prize and certification presentation ceremony was held internally on 3-July 2021. Mr. Eric Poon (Director of Corporate Training and Talent Development, Creative Talent Asia Ltd) presented trophies, medals and certificates to the winning teams and the participating teams of HSUHK respectively.
A group photo of the prize and certificate presentation ceremony.
The Champion team – “Geni+us ” took photo with Professor Kevin Lam (1 st from the left , Head of Department of Accountancy), Dr. George Ho (2 nd from the right, Associate Programme Director of BBA-SCM-BL Programme) and Mr. Eric Poon (1 st from the right, Director of Corporate Training and Talent Development, Creative Talent Asia Ltd).
The 2 nd -runner up team – “NexTTrendyLeveL” took photo with Dr. Carisa Yu (1 st from the left , Associate Programme Director of BSC-DSBI Programme) and Mr. Eric Poon (1 st from the right, Director of Corporate Training and Talent Development, Creative Talent Asia Ltd).
A finalist team – “Ambition” took photo with Mr. Eric Poon (1 st from the left, Director of Corporate Training and Talent Development, Creative Talent Asia Ltd).
A finalist team – “Brilliantstan” took photo with Mr. Eric Poon (1 st from the left, Director of Corporate Training and Talent Development, Creative Talent Asia Ltd).
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