• On April 18, 2023, the Department of Marketing hosted a group of 71 students from the Institution of Vocational Education Kwun Tong (IVE-KT) for a half-day visit.  In addition to giving a brief introduction of the BBA-MKT and BBA-GB programme, the IVE students were given a tour of the campus, an opportunity to experience a taste of U-life, and a glimpse of the range of opportunities available to them in preparation for their future career. Special thanks to MKT students Lizel Kwok, Vincent Lau and Lori Choi who enthusiastically shared their experience and how they were benefited from their involvement… Read more...
    A sharing talk led by our community leader Teresa Tsien, former Professor of Practice (Gerontology) of the Department of Applied Social Sciences in PolyU, was held on 23 February 2023. The event provided people insight into the immense potential of the emerging silver market. Attendees gained a valuable understanding of the characteristics and significance of this market. … Read more...
    An Interview Skills Training Workshop was held in the Salesian English School on 18 January, with Dr Fanny CHAN, Head of the Department of Marketing as a guest speaker.  On that day, a mock interview together with a feedback session were conducted. In addition to pointing out the room for improvement which had been identified earlier in the interview, Dr Chan also highlighted some key attributes that the interviewers are looking for, the Dos and Don’ts during an interview, as well as preparation work needed, hoping to grant students an edge over the others in this fierce competition for university… Read more...
    The Mentorship Program 21/22 launched by the Department of Marketing has reaped abundant positive feedback from both mentors and mentees, despite being in its first year of operation. On 25 November, a full stop was drawn for this one-year program with a closing ceremony, which came as a perfect conclusion, thanks to two outstanding alumni, Crystal Lai and Stephanie Tsang, who shared with us their experiences on career planning. Crystal Lai, with her stories of starting a leathercraft business while giving private piano lessons, proved that one can definitely flourish in multiple fields at the same time, as long as… Read more...
    The HSUHK Information Day this year was a huge success for the University as well as for the Department of Marketing. Our career talk and programme introduction session both attracted record attendance while the Department’s booth was fully packed with parents and students throughout the day. With an aim to help prospective students understand their future career, a talk entitled The Future of Marketing Jobs was organized featuring Mr Tristan SHING, Head of Marketing of JobsDB.  In his presentation, parents received valuable information such as the employment prospects, pay trends and employers’ expectations on marketing graduates.  While the seminar room… Read more...
    HSUHK welcomed a group of young guests from the St. Teresa Secondary School on 17th October 2022. An array of fascinating activities including the Advertising & IMC: Creative Brief Workshop, Behaviour Laboratory and Virtual Reality and Big Data Analytics Laboratory tasting sessions were arranged. At the workshop, Dr. Fanny Chan guided our Marketing students to work with the secondary school students to develop a creative brief and create posters promoting their self-designed products. Other than elementary advertising concepts, our students also shared their lives as university students to the young guests. Being of similar ages, two groups of youngsters knew… Read more...
    The CEO Talk organized by the Department of Marketing on 28 September 2022 featured Ms Winnie LEE, co-founder and CEO of Spread-it and Mr Thomas WONG, founder of People On Board.  The speakers shared not only their experience in starting their own businesses but also their insights on the marketing of their products and services outside of Hong Kong.  The event attracted the attendance of over 100 teachers and students with some very interactive Q&A discussion on issues related to influencer marketing, social enterprises and the journey of a start-up entrepreneur.… Read more...
    In the academic year 2021/22, despite the pandemic, our members have been dedicated to their research work and shared their research findings at international conferences and workshops, including Conferences Dr Haksin CHAN, Dr Kevin ZENG and Dr Morgan YANG: “Managing buyer-generated reviews on multi-sided platforms: A co-creation perspective,” Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference [Virtual]. Dr Fanny CHAN: “The role of visual-spatial properties in Chinese brand name recognition and perception,” International Conference on Management, Economics and Finance (ICMEF) at Zurich, Switzerland, July 2022. Dr Man Lai CHEUNG: “Understanding individual participation in NGOs’ time banking,” Australian & New Zealand… Read more...
    Hong Kong’s Action on Salt and Sugar Reduction (HKASSR) was a one-year project carried out by the Department of Marketing, commissioned by the former Food and Health Bureau (presently the Environment and Ecology Bureau, EEB). To review the project’s achievements and recognize our students’ efforts and contribution, a Student Ambassador Recognition Ceremony was held on 24 August, with three EEB officials invited as award-presenting guests.    Targeting at the young generations, the HKASSR aims at nurturing a healthy diet culture of less-salt-and-sugar (LSS), which is the key to the prevention of chronic diseases. Acting as LSS Ambassadors, our students introduced LSS food and… Read more...


    D751, 7/F,
    School of Business
    Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus,
    The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong,
    Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin,
    New Territories

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