• Company secretarial and advisory professions have long been two of the major career fields in which our students pursue after graduation. The Department of Accountancy hence organised the AC.CG Alumni Sharing 2022 event on 29 June 2022 and invited 5 of our alumni as guest speakers to share their working experience in these business sectors. From the reasons of entering the fields to the professional knowledge and personal traits that employers are looking for, our guest speakers discussed different aspects of their professions covering numbers of topics such as scope of duties, interview procedures and tips, and the challenges that… Read more...
    The Department of Accountancy hosted the ACY Online Seminar on 28 April 2022 and invited two professionals to share the tax development in Hong Kong and the career opportunities related to this field. Mr. Henry Kwong, Tax Partner of Cheng & Cheng Taxation Services Limited, shared his story in pursuing a career in tax field and how students could equip themselves with the necessary skills and knowledge through internships and various professional activities. Mr. Webster Ng, President of The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong (TIHK), then provided an overview of the TIHK and its professional qualification to students. Mr. Ng… Read more...
    The ACY Online Seminar in March was successfully held on 24 March 2022, dually themed in “Corruption Prevention” and “Application of Financial Statements”. Mr. Jerome Fan, Senior Community Relations Officer of Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), showcased a various types of corruption violations with the demonstration of videos and case studies. Moreover, he provided useful advice to students on how to avoid being involved in corruption in the future. After that, Professor Hon. Nelson Lam Chi Yuen, JP, member of the Legislative Council of HKSAR, introduced the difference in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) among China mainland, Hong Kong and… Read more...
    The first Guest Lecture cum Personal Tutor-tutee Networking for this academic year was successfully held on 11 Nov 2021 themed as “Recent Financial Policy Development in Hong Kong: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and Beyond”. With the growing concerns about ESG in business world, Dr. Rocky Tung, Director and Head (Policy Research) at Financial Services Development Council, was invited to discuss with students how this concept surged significantly over recent years and how can Hong Kong could seize the opportunity with the use of sustainable investment strategies. Besides, to let students familiarise themselves with other schoolmates and teachers, the Personal… Read more...
    The Department of Accountancy organised the first Professional Bodies Briefing Session for the Academic Year 2021/22 on 7 October 2021 to provide students with latest information on various professional bodies and their respective qualifications. Representatives of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), CPA Australia and the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) (arranged in alphabetical order) were invited to introduce the main features of their professional qualifications and examinations. An in-house sharing session, facilitated by our ACY teachers, was subsequently held to render advice to students on pursuing the right professional qualifications. Our ACY teachers also reminded… Read more...
    Whether to pursue a postgraduate degree is often a difficult question for fresh graduates and people who are looking for career advancement or career change. In response to the uprising concerns about postgraduate studies, the Department of Accountancy invited 5 alumni who graduated from the BBA-ACC and BBA-CG programmes to share their experience on 9 July 2021. Before the sharing, Ms. Sharon TSE from the Student Affairs Office, HSUHK, introduced the preparation timeline and available support from our University for current students to explore various postgraduate studies opportunities. During the sharing, our alumni shared their point of views and have… Read more...
    School of Business Graduation Ceremony was held on 1 April 2021 for the classes of 2019 and 2020 in recognition of their academic accomplishment. The Department of Accountancy has set up a photo booth for both BBA (with Accounting Concentration) (BBA-ACC) and BBA in Corporate Governance (BBA-CG) graduates to celebrate at this remarkable moment. Although the ceremony was unlike those in previous years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was glad that graduates were satisfied with the opportunities to come together with the school community and share the joy with their families, classmates and teachers during the in-person convocation. BBA-ACC… Read more...
    The ACY Online Seminar entitled “Good Investor Relations of Listed Companies Contribute to Good Corporate Governance” was successfully held on 25 Feb 2021. Dr. Eva Chan, Chairman of Hong Kong Investor Relations Association (HKIRA), shared her views on the uptrend of importance of investor relations in business nowadays. Closely interlinked with each other, both investor relations and corporate governance promote growth and maintain high standard of management and morality of a company through effective communication between company and investors. Dr. Eva Chan also provided useful advice to students who would like to pursue their career in Investor Relations field. After… Read more...
    The Department of Accountancy has successfully organised a webinar entitled “Fintech and the Role of the Accountant” on 19 Nov 2020. Representatives of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) were invited to introduce the students virtually with the latest application on Fintech in contemporary business and the changing role of professional accountants. During the webinar, Mr. Guru Balasubramaniam, Finance Director of Rentokil Initial HK Limited, shared his experience about adapting the tremendous changes brought by the disruptive technologies with the use of change management. The Department of Accountancy has successfully organised a webinar entitled “Fintech and the Role of… Read more...
    The Professional Bodies Briefing Session 2019 – Series 1 was successfully held on 3 October 2019 with an aim to provide students with the latest information on the professional bodies and their respective qualifications. In this series, FOUR professional bodies from accounting and taxation fields were invited to introduce their institutes and professional qualification requirements to students. They are: (in alphabetical order) Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) CPA Australia Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong (TIHK) An in-house sharing session was held afterwards in which our academic staff compared the qualifications… Read more...


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